Three Massachusetts shows coming up

The last (and only) time I played anywhere in Massachusetts was back in 2009, and involved only two dates, so you could say that I’m a little overdue for some Boston love. That is where this guy comes in:

Mark Erelli is an east coast gem, and I have the highest amount of respect for his body of songwriting work. I had the pleasure of opening three dates for Mark in Nebraska back in February and it was a blast. At the end of the tour he extended an invitation for me to open his May 11th “hometown” date at the storied Club Passim in Cambridge, MA. May 11th also happens to be my 29th birthday, can’t imagine a much better way to spend it.

I’m pretty darn excited to head back to the east coast, to Boston, and to once again open for Mark. If you need a suggestion of where to start with his music, this song, “Hope Dies Last”, is one of my favorite songs ever written. Ever.

While I’m flying all the way from Denver to Boston I figured it would be good to tack on another show or two, so I’ll be playing Friday night in Shelburne Falls, MA at Mocha Maya’s and Sunday I’ll be doing my own Cambridge show at Gallery 263. My brother is flying all the way from Los Angeles to Boston to celebrate my birthday with me, so in between we’ll be catching a Red Sox game, hitting the best pubs the city as to offer, and likely getting all the seafood we can lay our mitts on.

Here are the official dates, for more details visit the calendar page:

* Friday, May 10th – Mocha Maya’s, Shelburne Falls, MA
* Saturday, May 11th – Club Passim, Cambridge, MA (w/ Mark Erelli)
* Sunday, May 12th – Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA